Frequently asked questions!

About the Loyalty Program

What is the Loyalty Program?

Our Loyalty Program allows businesses to create and manage customer rewards programs to enhance customer retention and engagement.

How does the Loyalty Program work?

Businesses can set up customized rewards for their customers, such as points for purchases or special discounts. Customers earn these rewards and can redeem them as per the program rules.

What benefits does the Loyalty Program offer my business?

The Loyalty Program helps increase customer retention, encourage repeat purchases, and build stronger relationships with your customers.

How do I sign up for the Loyalty Program?

Simply register as a business owner on our platform and choose the Loyalty Program option. Follow the setup instructions to customize your program.

Is there a cost for using the Loyalty Program?

Yes, we offer subscription-based pricing. The details of the pricing plans can be found on our front page.

About Bulk SMS Services

What is the Bulk SMS Service?

Our Bulk SMS service allows businesses to send mass text messages to their customers for promotions, updates, or other communication needs.

Can I use Bulk SMS without the Loyalty Program?

Yes, our Bulk SMS service is available as a standalone feature for businesses who wish to use it independently of the Loyalty Program.

What type of messages can I send using the Bulk SMS service?

You can send promotional offers, event announcements, reminders, and other relevant updates. Ensure your messages comply with anti-spam regulations.

How do I sign up for Bulk SMS services?

Register as a business owner on our platform, and select the Bulk SMS service option to start using the feature.

How are SMS credits priced?

SMS credits are priced based on destination. Details are available on our front page.

Is there a limit to the number of SMS I can send?

There is no limit as long as you have no unpaid invoice left.

Can I schedule messages in advance?

Yes, our platform allows you to schedule messages for specific dates and times, making it easy to plan campaigns.

General Questions

Can I use both the Loyalty Program and Bulk SMS services together?

Yes, our platform is designed to integrate both services seamlessly for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement.